Monday, April 30, 2012

SCOM command line to remove Management Group Config

This is a command line option to remove a Management group configuration from an agent

MsiExec.exe /i \\path\MOMAgent.msi /norestart /qn /l*v %temp%\RemoveMG.log MANAGEMENT_GROUP=<OldManagementGroup> MANAGEMENT_GROUP_OPERATION=RemoveConfigGroup REINSTALL=ALL

Script to check CPU utilization for Processes

Below is the script to check the CPU utilization for every process running on a server
Save this as a .vbs file and then run it using cscript.

strComputer = "localhost"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
    & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

SCCM: Script to delete package from database

Many times we come across a scenario where we need to delete a package from SQL database. Below is the script to delete a package entry for the same. 
select* from pkgstatus where id='Package ID' and sitecode='SCCM Site Code'
delete from pkgstatus where id='Package ID' and sitecode='SCCM Site Code'

SCCM/MDT: WMI Script to check computer Make & Model

Below is the WMI script to check computer Make & Model, output of which can be used in SCCM/MDT for make & model based driver deployment query.

Hope, this will find a place in your requirement J.
Go to Start and open Run.
1.       WBEMTEST

Script to Verify Local administrator credential

One of our client came with very strange requirement. Their Security Policy is to change local administrator password for every 2 months, it should be different for all servers, they have to maintain excel sheet and send it to the Manager. Manager want to verify whether password has changed for all servers and it is according to the excel sheet which is sent to him. There are some hundreds of servers, so they want simple script which will do it for them.
We came with solution which uses PsTools to do this task. PsTools is the Microsoft toolkit which provide bunch of tool to do different task on the remote system. We used PsExec which can be used execute the command on remote system.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Configure MDT Database For Dynamic Naming and OU

The dynamic computer naming process outlined uses integration points and the ability to run something called UserExit scripts which allows for the extension of the MDT inbuilt logic. The UserExit script will dynamically build the computer name. The computer name generated by the UserExit script will be based on a location ID (two or morecharacters added as a custom property in MDT Deployment Database), the computer chassis typed (L for laptop, W for Workstation, V for Virtual and X if the chassis cannot be identified), and the first 7 characters of the computer serial number (removing spaces and replacing them with minus (-) for situations where the serial number contains spaces such as virtual machines serial numbers). These three properties are then glued together and provided as the OSDComputername variable for use in the deployment process so the computer name will look like: UK (location ID) L (Chassis ID) 1234567 (Serial Number ID).

Steps to follow to achieve this.
1) Create a new property in the MDT Deployment Database (for the location ID).
2) To add a custom property to the MDT Deployment Database we need to edit this table.
Open the MDT Deployment Database() using SQL Management Studio and navigate to the dbo.Settings table

Friday, April 27, 2012

MDT: Deploy Windows 7 without DHCP

We came across a scenario at one of our esteemed clients where we needed to deploy Windows 7 on hundreds of machine without the DHCP environment. So all the clients had Static IP assigned to it. When system boots into WinPE it doesn’t get the IP. It is easy in NEW COMPUTER scenario as when the system boots up into WinPE you can assign the Static IP from Welcome screen. But in case of REFRESH scenario we don’t get the Welcome screen in MDT 2010. To achieve the above requirement i have done the customization in the Task Sequence with script as shown below.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

IECTT: Test Tool Error - The file size exceeds the time allowed and cannot be saved

You install the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) 5.6 on a Windows Server 2008 based computer. However, when you try to open the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool that is included with ACT 5.6, you receive the following error message:
Test Tool Error
The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved

Use ImageX to capture a Windows 7 Image

In the EARLIER post we showed you how to create WinPE boot disk to capture the Windows 7 reference machine. Now we will discuss the steps to be used to capture the reference machine using ImageX.

1.       Configure Windows 7 the reference machine as per the requirement (applications and settings).
2.       Make sure you have 2 partitions on reference machine, one OS partition and other to capture and save the image.
3.       Go to Windows 7 reference machine Start type cmd , run the command prompt as administrator.

Create WinPE boot disk with ImageX

To create a build of Windows 7 we need to capture Windows 7 image from the reference machine with required configurations. We can do this using MDT or SCCM but here I am going to demonstrate you how you can create WinPE image with ImageX and use it to capture Windows 7 image. Below are the steps to create WinPE image using WAIK tools.

1.       Install Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) on your technician machine

Monday, April 23, 2012

Move SQL Server 2008 Express Database

We came across a scenario where we needed to move SQL Express 2008 Database from one computer to another computer. Posting the steps for the same , hope it helps your requirement at some stage!!
A.      Go to SQL Server.  Open SQL Server Management Studio.

B.      Click on New Query and execute the below command.

               Backup Database YourDatabaseName TO Disk='D:\yourbackupfilename.bak'

ACT 5.6 Setup Step by Step

This is a step by guide to setup Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT 5.6) in your environment to scan the applications for Windows 7 migration.

Friday, April 20, 2012

ACT: Microsoft Compatibility Exchange Settings

To configure the infrastructure to support the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange Configure your firewalls and URL scanners to allow access to the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange, as follows:
1.       Allow outbound access for the standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) TCP port 443, on any computer running the Application Compatibility Manager.
2.       Restrict outbound access to the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange, allowing access only from designated computers and designated users within your organizations.
3.       Enable access to the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange URL,, (only necessary if passing through a firewall).

ACT Data Collector Location

We came across a situation when client was not responding back with the ACT data to ACT server.

To Workaround this issue you can follow the below steps:-

1.   Go to the below location as per the ACT client OS.

      For Windows 7 / Server 2008 / R2 -
      %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Application Compatibility Toolkit\DataCollector

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Unable to load DLL "wimgapi.dll" the specified module could not be found ( Exeption 0X800700E7 )

When you try to import OS in MDT Workbench you receive an error: Unable to load DLL "wimgapi.dll" the specified module could not be found (Exception 0X800700E7)

After you installed Windows AIK you'll find wimgapi.dll is located in C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86
Copy the wimgapi.dll file to this location C:\Windows\System32. Then everything works fine as expected.

Hope this helps!!!

Windows Intune Client Installation fails with Error: x80cf402c

When Trying to install Intune Client pops an error

Open up ur command promt as administrator and run

>> netsh winhttp set proxy <proxy>:<port>
Then try installing it again.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Running a Performance report in SCOM

Go to the Reporting pane in SCOM
Under Microsoft Generic Report Library go to Performance

Registry to ADM file: Regional and Language Options

Sometimes you come across the situation where you do not find the Group Policy which you want to apply Users & computers. At Deskperts we came with the solution to Create ADM Template , ADM template help you to apply settings which are not predefined in GPO.

 To show this we took example to configure the ‘Regional and Language options’.   Let’s say your Language option is configure to use ‘English US’, and you want it to be ‘English UK’. For a single system, you will go to Control Panel-> Regional And Language Option -> English (United Kingdom).

Saturday, April 14, 2012

SCOM CPU Memory Disk Util SQL Scripts

Below are the scripts are to find SCOM CPU Memory Disk Utilization. Scripts need to be run on the Data warehouse DB.
Adjust the date to suite your requirements. The rest of the script remains the same

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DISM Commands for inserting drivers into Image file

DISM Commands

For Mounting Image File-
DISM.exe /Mount-Wim /wimfile:"C:\DeploymentShare\Operating
Systems\WIN7ENT\WIN7ENT.wim" /index:1 /MountDir:C:\Mount

*Note- In "" your .wim file path. Also its one continues command.

For Adding Drivers-
DISM.exe /Image:C:\Mount /Add-Driver /Driver:C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\LAN_Broadcom_14.4.2.2_W7x64 /Recurse

*Note- The Above is one continues command.

For Commitiing changes-
DISM.exe /Commit-Wim /MountDir:C:\Mount

For Dismounting WIM File-
DISM.exe /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\Mount /Discard

SCOM Web Console login error 401.2

After installing the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Web console component on a Windows Server 2008 computer , you may receive the following error message when you try to access the Web console URL:

HTTP Error 401.2 – Unauthorized. You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers.

This is due to IIS configuration not configured on the Windows 2008 server.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

VBS Script to Verify If The Admin$ Share Exists On A List Of Machines

Before deploying SCCM Client to the client machine we need to confirm if Admin$ Share Exists. Instead of doing the same manually, we have created the script which you can use to test if the share exists on client machine or not. Hope it helps to automate your process!!!!

Create a text file created with the Computer Names.

MDT: BootStrap Settings for Deployment

Below is the MDT 2010 Update 1 Bootstrap Settings for Windows 7 Deployment



MDT: Custom Settings for Refesh Deployment

Below is the MDT 2010 Update 1 Custom Settings for Refresh (XP to Windows 7) scenario automated Deployment


MDT: Custom Settings for New Computer Deployment

Below is the MDT 2010 Update 1 Custom Settings for New Computer scenario automated Deployment


Monday, April 9, 2012

Delete AD multiple user accounts using PowerShell

Deleting bulk user accounts made easy using Powershell.

We have tested the below script in Windows Server 2008 R2 AD infrastructure.
Users are present in Sales OU as shown below.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

MBAM: Setup Fails with SQL Error - Error obtaining a certificate protected by the master key

Issue: You will receive an error when you try to install MBAM Program
SQL Error: Error obtaining a certificate protected by master key
A master key password is needed for the setup to complete the Transparent data encryption (TDE) in the SQL Server database. Please create a master key encryption and provide a secure password for it.

App-V: Sequencing Oracle 10G

This is step by step screenshot to sequence Oracle 10 G using App-V Sequencer 4.5 Sp2.

App-V: Sequencing SAP GUI 7.10

  • Here are the steps to get the SAP Logon and Tweak SAP GUI applications to run successfully.
Before Sequence:
1.       Within Windows explorer, verify that folder option “Launch folder windows in a separate process” is selected.
2.       Install Softgrid sequencer version or later.
3.       Sequence SAPGUI  7.10

Create AD multiple user accounts using PowerShell

Many times we come across a scenario where we need to create bulk of AD user accounts. But who wants to spend a whole bunch of time for creating users? So we at Deskperts went ahead and made a PowerShell Script that will create users from a CSV file. Hope you find it useful!!!!

We have tested the below script in Windows Server 2008 R2 AD infrastructure.

Friday, April 6, 2012

App-V 4.6 SP1: Client Installation and Configuration

Installing Microsoft Application Virtualization Desktop Client

Microsoft Application Virtualization Desktop Client (Requirements)
· Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate (32-bit or 64-bit)
· It is recommended that at least 6GB free hard disk space is available for caching virtualized applications.
Do this on the computer to be the App-V Client:
1. Extract and run the setup executable for Microsoft Application Virtualization Desktop Client.
2. The setup wizard will scan for and prompt you to install Microsoft C++ 2005 SP1 and 2008 SP1 Redistributable Packages and Microsoft Application Error Reporting if they are not installed.

App-V 4.6 SP1 : Sequencer Installation and Configuration

The Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer is used to create the virtual applications and application packages that are streamed from the App-V Management or Streaming Server to the App- Clients.

Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer (Requirements)
· Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate (32-bit or 64-bit)
Preferably Virtual Machine

Install Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer

Do this on the computer used for Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer:
Important: The computer used for the Sequencer must contain only a fresh installation of the Windows operating system. Do not install Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer on a computer that hosts Microsoft Application Virtualization Management Server or Microsoft Application Virtualization Desktop Client.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

MDT: XP to Windows 7 Migration (Refresh)

Steps to perform upgrade user data from Windows XP to Windows 7
When doing the Windows 7 installation on a Windows XP machine through MDT LiteTouch.vbs script to upgrade the user data and settings, Please follow the below steps:
Start the Windows XP machine and open the deployment share folder located on MDT Server. Navigate to DeploymentShare$ -> Scripts -> LiteTouch.vbs and run LiteTouch.vbs.

MDT 2010 Deployment and Configuration

In this blog we will cover step by step process to install and configure Microsoft Deployment Toolkit for Windows 7 Deployment.


Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) Installation Procedure
Please note that installing WAIK for Win7 on Windows Server 2008 doesn’t need these pre-requisites to be installed.

Launch Startcd.exe utility and install MSXML6.0 and .NET Framework 2.0 if you have not already installed via Windows Update or any other means.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

VAppRegHandler.dll failed to register when installing the SCCM SP2 client

I encountered this error while installing the SCCM SP2 client on a Windows XP where the install failed with the following message.

MSI: Module C:\WINXP\system32\CCM\VAppRegHandler.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147221164. Contact your support personnel.

SCOM 2012: Installation Step by Step

SCOM Installation Step by Step (Screenshots) - Deskperts Experience

The installation is covered in two parts.

Part 1: Installing the management server.
SCOM 2012: Part 1 - Installing Management Server

Part 2: of the series we will show how to deploy the reporting server
SCOM 2012: Part 2 - Installing Reporting Server

Please check the supported configuration document for OM2012 before the deployment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

App-V: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

We get this error when launching an App-V/Softgrid virtual application? (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it)

There are 2 possible reasons for the above mentioned error.

1.       Server port is not properly configured in the .OSD file.
·         Go to App-V management server.
Open the .OSD file for particular application (TestApp);
·         Refresh Server using sftcmc.msc / Application Virtualization Client on the client
·         Re-launch the application.

SCCM 2007 R3 Installation

Install the server side hotfix (KB977384) (included in the dowload of the R3 media) .This hotfix, which comes with the R3 of SCCM 2007, is a prerequisite for SCCM 2007 R3. During the installation it also creates a SCCM Package/Program containing a MSP file allowing to update SCCM Advanced Clients Components. This client hotfix package has to be deployed to all ConfigMgr 2007 SP2 clients before power policies can be managed.
Click “Next”to continue.

SCCM 2007 Installation Step by Step

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 is the solution to comprehensively assess, deploy, and update your servers, clients, and devices—across physical, virtual, distributed, and mobile environments. Optimized for Windows and extensible beyond, it is the best choice for gaining enhanced insight into, and control over, your IT systems.
This Guide will be split in various parts for the installation of SCCM 2007.
SCCM 2007 - Part 1: Prerequisite Installation

SCCM 2007 - Part 2: Installation of SCCM 2007 SP2

SCCM 2007 - Part 3: Post Installation Configuration

SCCM 2007 - Part 4: Site System Roles Installation

Azure Policy support for remediating tags for existing resources

Use Azure policy to remediate tags for existing resources.