Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Update Prerequisites for SCCM 2007 SP2 installation

There are many instances when you try to run Update Prerequisites for SCCM 2007 SP2 during normal installation it may fail or give some error. So using the below command line you can download the Update Prerequisites on another PC and then copy the files on the SCCM server.

1.       Open the command prompt
2.       Go to ConfigMgr07SP2 CD -> SMSSETUP -> BIN -> I386 folder
3.       Run the below command line to download the prerequisites:-
       Setup.exe /download <path>

It will start download as shown below.

Once completed copy the files on SCCM server and proceed with the SCCM Site installation.

1 comment:

Azure Policy support for remediating tags for existing resources

Use Azure policy to remediate tags for existing resources.