Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Uninstalling Operations Manager 2007 Reporting Services

There are a lot of instances where the Reporting setup does not behave as expected. Data Warehouse errors, Reporting hierarchy failed errors, and many other such errors are an indication that something is wrong. Sometimes it might be a simple fix, but at times we need to completely re do the reporting setup.

These are the high level steps to uninstall the Reporting DB,

Go to control Panel -> Add remove programs -> Uninstall the SCOM 2007 reporting server
Once this is done, use your SCOM 2007 R2 media. Go to the \support tools\

Here you will find the resetsrs.exe utility for your hardware version (x86 or x64)

Once this is done, check http://locahost/reports/ and http://localhost/reportserver/

Also check the reporting services configuration for any errors.

If this is fine, then go ahead with the install.

Here are the detailed steps,

1.       To uninstall Operations Manager 2007 Reporting Services component
·         Log on to the Reporting Server with the Operations Manager Administrator account.
·         Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.
·         From the list of currently installed programs, select Systems Center Operations Manager 2007 Reporting Server, and then click Remove. This uninstalls Operations Manager Reporting Server, and it does not uninstall SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.
·         When the uninstall is complete, copy the ResetSRS.exe tool to the root of the local hard drive.
·         Open a command prompt and change directories to the root of the local hard drive or wherever you copied the ResetSRS.exe tool, and then enter c:\resetSRS.exe <SQLINSTANCENAME> where SQLINSTANCENAME is the name of the instance of SQL Server that SQL Reporting Services was installed in. If you installed in the default instance, use MSSQLSERVER for the <SQLINSTANCENAME> value.
·         Click Start, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then select Reporting Services Configuration.
·         On the left side, select Web Service Identity and on the right side click Apply. This restores the SQL Server Reporting Services installation to its pre-Operations Manager 2007 Reporting Server component state.

2.       Once this is done verify the directory,

·         If this has an error kindly check the Reporting services Configuration under SQL server Configuration and clean all the errors before moving ahead. 

3.       Specify the rights to SCOM accounts correctly as specified in this guide by Kevin, 

4.       Once this is sorted out, run the reporting setup,
If it finishes successfully, go directly to step 5.

If it fails check for the below steps,
·         The setup might fail with an error log generated asking to find value 3
·         Kindly check the error logs and take appropriate actions.
In my case it was due to the Default MP and the ODR Report library
To resolve it,
·         Go to the Administration node in the SCOM console,
·         Before Uninstalling the Default MP, right click the Default MP, check properties, in properties go to the dependency tab.
·         Here you can find the MP’s that are dependent on the Default MP under,
“Management packs that depend on this management pack”
·         Make sure you back them UP and install them once your reporting is back online.
·         Uninstall the Default MP, Microsoft ODR Report Library and the DataWarehouse Internal Library
·         Then import the Default MP using the MP import wizard.
·         After you hit import, Go to %Program Files%System Center Operations Manager 2007/
Here change the search type to .xml files. You will find Microsoft.SystemCenter.OperationsManager.DefaultUser.xml
·         Select this and import it. Once this is successful try running the reporting setup again. The other two will be regenerated on its own.
You can verify them by going to the path,
%Program Files% System Center operations Manager 2007/Reporting/ 

5.       Once the reporting setup finishes successfully, try browsing http://reportingserverhostname/reports
Here if you see the SCOM reporting components, you have almost successfully got through your install.
·         Next inside http://reportingserverhostname/reports go to show details
·         Here click on Datawarehouse Main
·         Check for the settings here,
Connection Type = Microsoft SQL Server
data source=DWHostname;initial catalog=OperationsManagerDW;Integrated Security=SSPI
Connect Using= Credentials are not required
Click Apply
Also Click Security and verify if all the roles are correctly configured (Do not edit anything  here).
6.       Verify the Run As Account

·         Under SCOM ->Administration->Run As Accounts
Data Warehouse SQL Server Authentication Account & Reporting SDK SQL Server Authentication account
The User name and password for both of these are a single space.
If these are not properly configured you will see a lot of 31552 events.

·         Also check if these are mapped correctly,
Data Warehouse Configuration Synchronization Reader Account
Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account
Also check for events 31554 and 31570 in the Operations Manager Event Log.

·         Check for reports now in the reporting console.

1 comment:

Azure Policy support for remediating tags for existing resources

Use Azure policy to remediate tags for existing resources.