Friday, May 4, 2012

User State Migration Tool (USMT) 4.0 update for Office 2010

I came across a scenario where I needed to migrate Windows XP with Office 2003 installed to Windows 7 with Office 2010 along with the user data and backup.
In my setup I used Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT 2012) on Windows 2008 R2 SP1. I used the default USMT migration process, it migrated the Office components along with data and user outlook settings. But it didn’t attach the pst which was saved in D drive rather than the default location.
Then I came across the USMT 4 update for Microsoft Office 2010. You can request and download the hotfix from HERE. The update includes fixes and support for migration scenarios for when the source or destination computer has Microsoft Office 2010 installed.
Once you have downloaded the update follow the below procedure:-
  1. Download the USMT release .cab file for both architectures to a folder on your computer.
  2. In Windows Explorer, locate the x86 .cab file on your computer.
  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the .cab file to view the contents of the file.
  4. Press CTRL+A to select all the files.
  5. Right-click the selection, and then click Extract.
  6. In the Select a Destination window, select the folder that contains the .cab file.
  7. Click Make New Folder, and then type x86 for the folder name.
  8. Click Extract to extract the files.
  9. In Windows Explorer, locate the folder where you extracted the files in the previous steps.
  10. Press CTRL+A to select all the files in the folder.
  11. Right-click the selection, and then click Copy.
  12. Locate the folder where the x86 USMT files are installed on your computer (MDT server). For example, the x86 USMT files may be installed in the C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\USMT\x86 folder.
  13. Right-click anywhere in the folder, and then click Paste.
  14. When you are prompted, click Copy and Replace to replace the USMT 4.0 file with the newer version that this release includes.
  15. If a window prompts you for administrator permissions, click Continue. If other File Operation windows prompt you, click Yes in those windows.
  16. Repeat steps 2-15 by using the amd64 USMT .cab file, by typing amd64 for the folder name, and by selecting this folder as the destination for the extracted amd64 USMT files. For example, the amd64 USMT files may be installed in the C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\USMT\amd64 folder.
Adding the update to Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) deployment shares:-
  1. Now Open MDT Deployment Workbench.
  2. Right Click and Update each deployment.
Adding the update to Configuration Manager Packages:-
  1. Download the USMT release .cab file for both architectures to a folder on your computer.
  2. In Windows Explorer, locate the x86 .cab file on your computer.
  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the .cab file to view the contents of the file.
  4. Press CTRL+A to select all the files.
  5. Right-click the selection, and then click Extract.
  6. In the Select a Destination window, select the folder that contains the .cab file.
  7. Click Make New Folder, and then type x86 for the folder name.
  8. Click Extract to extract the files.
  9. In Windows Explorer, locate the folder where you extracted the files in the previous steps.
  10. Press CTRL+A to select all the files in the folder.
  11. Right-click the selection, and then click Copy.
  12. Locate the package source for the USMT files package, select the x86 subfolder.
  13. Right-click anywhere in the folder, and then click Paste.
  14. When you are prompted, click Copy and Replace to replace the USMT 4.0 file with the newer version that this release includes.
  15. If a window prompts you for administrator permissions, click Continue. If other File Operation windows prompt you, click Yes in those windows.
  16. Repeat steps 2-15 by using the amd64 USMT .cab file, by typing amd64 for the folder name, and by selecting this folder as the destination for the extracted amd64 subfolder of the USMT files package.
  17. In the Configuration Manager console, select the package that has the USMT files, and then update all distribution points.

Once I followed the above procedure I was successfully able to migrate Windows XP to Windows 7 with Outlook pst also intact after opening for the particular profile.
Referenced to Article ID: 2023591

1 comment:

Azure Policy support for remediating tags for existing resources

Use Azure policy to remediate tags for existing resources.