We have recently upgraded 60 Windows 2003 DC to Windows 2008
R2 DC. After up-gradation, client wants to automate DHCP backup. We have
thought of going by scheduled tasks. We followed below procedure
Create a batch file for DHCP Backup and copy
that file to all DHCP server
Create a scheduled job on DHCP Server to run
DHCP Backup file
Run Scheduled job to verify it’s configured
We want this task to be automated, as login to each server
and following the procedure will be time consuming job.
A. Create a batch file for DHCP Backup and
copy that file to all DHCP server
Below is the batch file created to automate DHCP backup.
This script will have last 7 days of DHCP backup.
cd c:\
Daily Backup
netsh dhcp
server export dhcpdb all
We will
give ‘DHCP-Bck.bat’ name to this file and copy to all servers windows
B. Create a scheduled job on DHCP Server to
run DHCP Backup file
Login to any server and run below command, this command will
create scheduled job named DHCP Backup to run job at 3 AM every day.
schtasks /create /s DHCPServerName /tn "DHCP
Backup" /tr “C:\Windows\DHCP-Bck.bat " /sc daily /st 03:00:00
Use excel to replace DHCPServerName
to Server list where you want to create a job
C. Run Scheduled job to verify it’s configured
Once you done with previous step, it is now time to run that
job. This task again can be accomplished remotely by using below command
schtasks /run /s DHCPSerrverName /tn "DHCP Backup"
Use excel to replace DHCPServerName
to Server list where you want to create a job
D. Verify
As you have done all the tasks remotely, you may also want
to verify that DHCP Backup is happening properly. So here two simple command
that help you to make sure that DHCP Backup is scheduled properly. Below
command will check DHCP backup file is exist or not. If exist it will create
txt file with containing name of the computer and after that it will copied to
the any share location
if exist "C:\DHCP Daily Backup\%date:~0,3%\dhcpdb"
copy /y NUL %computername%.txt
%computername%.txt \\Servername\Verify
At the end, you just need to verify whether all server file
name is exist in the share location or not.
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